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Ar Fedi'r 18fed bydd pobl yr Alban yn gwneud penderfyniad tyngedfennol am ddyfodol eu gwlad.  Mae’r dewis yn glir: bod yn gi bach mewn undeb sy’n cael ei redeg gan wleidyddion ym mhalasau Llundain, neu ddod yn aelod llawn o gymuned y cenhedloedd, rhedeg eu gwlad eu hunain, ac ennill y grym i greu dyfodol gwell i holl bobl yr Alban.

Mae llawer o’r Sefydliad wedi annog pobl yr Alban i ‘aros’, yn y wladwriaeth fwyaf anghyfartal yng ngorllewin Ewrop, lle mae’r tlawd a’r anghenus yn cael eu gwasgu dan draed cyfoethogion San Steffan.

Ychydig ddyddiau cyn y refferendwm, rydyn ni am anfon neges wahanol gan bobl Cymru: ewch amdani, bobl yr Alban!

Ymunwch â ni felly i ddathlu dyfodol gwell i’r Alban, y tu allan i’r Senedd ym Mae Caerdydd, am ddau o’r gloch brynhawn dydd Sadwrn 13 Medi. Bydd siaradwyr o drawstoriad o’r gymdeithas yn siarad gan gynnwys Leanne Wood, Arweinydd Plaid Cymru a Ray Davies, Cynghorydd Llafur ynogystal â chynrychiolwyr o bleidiau a grwpiau eraill. Mae croeso cynnes i bawb, ac edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld.
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On the 18th of September the people of Scotland will make a monumental decision about the future of their country. The choice is stark: to play second-fiddle in a union run by out-of-touch politicians in London, or to join the world community on equal terms, run their own affairs, and have the ability in their own hands to create a better future for all the people of Scotland.

Many establishment voices have asked the people of Scotland to ‘stay’, in the most unequal state in western Europe, in which the poorest and most vulnerable are squeezed by Westminster millionaires.

A few days before the referendum, we want to send a different message from the people of Wales: go for it Scotland!

Join us to celebrate Scotland’s future, outside the Senedd in Cardiff Bay at 2pm on Saturday 13 September. There will be speakers from a cross section of society including Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood, and Labour councillor Ray Davies as well as members from other parties and groups.

Everyone is welcome; we look forward to seeing you there.